The Faces of Flow

When you visit Flow you’ll be greeted by one (or more) of our partner artists, or occasionally by Rick Molland, our knowledgeable volunteer. It is through our cooperative efforts that we brought the idea of Flow to fruition and we staff the shop ourselves, thriving on the eventful interplay between maker and buyer.

But even though now owners of a gallery, we consider ourselves first and foremost makers -- artists, designers and craftspeople -- and the gallery of our work below will introduce us to you in the best possible way.


Connie Molland - Wood

"I connect different species of woods to create functional yet artistic items for the home. Most of my work is for use in the kitchen because I love cooking and think handcrafted kitchen items add joy to the routine of cooking. Usually, I start out with a basic idea of what I’m going to make, but then I just let the grain, texture, color, smell (olive wood really smells like olives!) and how well it plays with other woods be my guide. I do not use any stains or chemicals preferring to emphasize the contrast of the natural colors and grains of the woods. My products are finished with a food safe oil and wax. "

View Connie’s Gallery


Kari Morton - Quilts & Clothing

"I have been involved with texture and fabric since making her first apron (too many) years ago. As a teenager, my goals were to have a law practice, a designer clothes store and a restaurant, as I enjoyed sewing and cooking and envisioned putting the bad guys away. As a stress reliever for the confrontational aspect of the practice of law, I discovered quilting. The designer clothes store morphed into a quilt store and a traveling quilt business. The law office was tucked into the rear of the store. Sewing is my passion. After moving to Marshall in 2013, retiring the law practice, I try to sew something every day."

View Kari’s Gallery